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Comparing the composition of saproxylic beetles fauna in old hollow oaks between two time periods.

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Such a joy and excitement having you visiting my page today! I can assure you, the journey through this page will be insightful and make you smile by the time you finish browsing the interesting sections on this page. Here i share with you wonderful and exciting lessons learnt in my research comparing species composition dynamics of saproxylic beetles on old hollow oak trees in the oak landscape in central part of Östergötland region in Linköping, in southern Sweden. The findings presented in this study are of course important for successful planning of conservation of saproxylic beetle fauna on both a habitat and landscape level.

Do you have any clarifications, questions or comments? please get in touch with me on the details provided at the end of this page and i will be very glad to respond to any submissions

                       .         HAPPY BEETLE READING 

                                       Chipango Kamboyi

Studied program: Master in Ecology & the Environment (2017-2019)

Country of origin: Zambia 

Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 05/19/19