Figure 1. The mean time (s) horses spent in proximity to the owner and stranger during reunion episode (maximum time being 90 seconds). The human proximity including three levels of proximity: ~1.5 m in proximity, ~0.5 m in proximity & contact. Whiskers indicate 1±SE and *=p<0.05.

Figure 2. Mean time (s) horses spent in a) door proximity, b) head positioned high, c) exploring and d) frequency (%) of horse ears flickering, and e) walking in separation episode and reunion episode. Whiskers indicate 1± SE and *=p<0.05.

Figure 3. Mean heart rate (bpm) of the horses over the different episodes: episode walk, episode stand, episode separation, and episode reunion. Blue dotted line indicating owner, black full line indicating stranger and whiskers indicating 1±SE and *=p<0.05.
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