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Comparative Study

The results showed that all the cyprinid species had decreased significantly 40 years later. The low oxygen tolerant crucian carp decreased 16-fold in numbers, which was expected due to fewer events of cold winters and hypoxia. Pike was the only species that had significantly increased 40 years later. One bream, a species known to increase turbidity and eutrophication in lakes, was caught from test-fishing.

Average number of individuals caught per species and net from test-fishing with multi mesh gill nets in June 1978, 1979 and 2019 (N = 16). Data log transformed.

Standerdized Test-fishing

The ecological status of the fish community was classified as intermediate through multimeric indexes but showed a high proportion of piscivore percids contra cyprinids, compared to data from six other shallow lakes in Sweden with similar characteristics.

Average biomass per net of piscivore percids and cyprinids in seven shallow lakes in southern Sweden. Data log transformed.


The analysis from the eDNA-samples detected 13 species, whereof sunbleak, asp and common dace/ide had never been found in the lake before. Similar mitochondrial DNA of common dace and ide made speciation between those species impossible.

Species detected from eDNA-analysis. Number of sequences displays abundance of each species. Data log transformed.

Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 05/08/20