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Judgement bias, cognitive skills and personality in the miniature donkey


Join me and the donkeys as we learn about cognition.


Are we bound to be optimistic/pessimistic, independently of our life circumstances?

Can some personality traits predict our interactions with new environments?

Why do individuals living under good conditions, and showing low stress levels, still experience negative emotions and low expectations towards unfamiliar stimuli?


Our pre-concepts about reality change the way we perceive the events that surrround us. Both human and non-human animals share a tendency to show patterns in their behaviour towards unknown situations. It is yet to be described at what level these bias are intrinsic to an individual's personality, or how much they are dependent on temporary mental states.


We invite you to find outmore about these topics in this webpage. 


Download the Full text if you would like to read everything we discovered, or check out the Poster for a schematic version!


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Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 05/28/20