Do commercial hatchery procedures impact:
1) The affective state of chicks?
The results suggest that commercial hatchery procedures do impact the affective state of chicks. When looking at their cognitive bias, the hatchery chicks showed a depressive like-state. However, which part of the hatchery procedures influenced this cognitive bias is still unclear.
2) The short- and long-term memory of the chicks?
My results suggest that the commercial hatchery procedures enhanced short-term memory and did not impact long-term memory. However I should question my methods, as it is possible that the experiments measured motivation for social reinstatement instead of memory.
3) The stress state and need for social reinstatement of the chicks?
The hatchery chicks showed a higher need for social reinstatement, by spending more time with conspecifics, suggesting that those chicks were more stressed and more fearful than the control group.
To finish with,

Knowing that early stress can already impact cognitive bias in chicks, we could hypothesize that adult chickens rearing in stressful conditions would also present pessimistic like state if not anxiety or depressive-like state.
Assessing welfare should not only be done by investigating the behaviour and the physiology of animals, but also by assessing their emotions and affective states. In that way we could also change our point of view toward farm animals.
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Director of undergraduate studies Biology
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