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This is the first study supporting the use of eyespot patterns for detecting affective states in animals. Red junglefowl chicks showed functionally similar behavioural responses to two different affective state tests: a judgement bias test and an eyespot test, when using full eyespot cues. The relationship:

  • Was present regardless of possible effects from loss of ambiguity when the original tests were used and with female chicks tested at older age.
  • Relied less on extreme values when the original eyespot test and the simplified judgement bias test were used.
Picture with the writing "all I need is this chicken, and that other chicken, and those chickens over there, and..."

Suggestions for further studies

  • More consistent experimental setup if comparing affective state tests at different ages.
  • Include new measurements of affective state.
  • Further research on how age affects visual perception of fowl.
  • Develop a method to directly exclude loss of ambiguity effects in the experimental phase instead of in the data analyses phase.

Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 05/15/21