Data recorded

Lemur outdoor presence:
Indoors vs outdoors

Lemur location around the outdoor enclosure (sectors): A-J
A: open area with water
B: open area with few trees
C: ring-tailed lemurs' house area
D: treed area with cabin
E: far-away treed area
F: back treed area
G: back area with water and few trees
H: red ruffed lemurs' house area
I: central area without trees
J: central area with trees

Lemur vertical location in the outdoor enclosure (levels): 0-3
Level 0 - Ground
Level 1 - Low canopy
Level 2 - Middle canopy
Level 3 - High canopy

Lemur behavior: ethogram
Feeding / foraging
Interaction with conspecifics

No enrichment (baseline)
Food enrichment
Structural enrichment

Visitor presence:
No visitors

Meteorological conditions
- Weather
Sunny (open sky, sun shining)
Cloudy (clouds that hide the sun)
Rainy (precipitation)
- Temperature
Cold (8-15ºC)
Mild (16-19ºC)
Warm (20-30ºC)
Responsible for this page:
Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: