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Results - Use of sectors

Enrichment effect on lemurs’ use of sectors

Lemurs’ use of outdoor space subdivided by sector and enrichment period.

Ring-tailed lemurs:

No enrichment: They spent most of the time in open area A and sector C, where their house is.

Food enrichment: They increased use of the enriched sectors I and J, and house sector C.

Structural enrichment: They increased use of the open area B, and house sector C.


Red ruffed lemurs:

No enrichment: They spent most of the time in sector H, where their house is, and sometimes ventured out to treed area D.

Food enrichment: They increased use of enriched sector J.

Structural enrichment: They increased use of enriched sector F and sectors further away from their house.


** p < 0.01 (χ2 test)

Visitor effect on lemurs’ use of sectors

Lemurs’ use of outdoor space subdivided by sector and visitor presence.

Ring-tailed lemurs:

The ring-tailed lemurs used open area A and their house sector H more when visitors were present.

They also used open area B, the red ruffed house H, and the enriched sectors I and J less when visitors were present.

However, the results were not statistically significant.


Red ruffed lemurs:

The red ruffed lemurs used their house sector H more when visitors were present.

They also used enriched sector J, treed area D and those sectors further away from their house less when visitors were present.


* p < 0.05 (χ2 test)

Weather effect on lemurs’ use of sectors

Lemurs’ use of outdoor space subdivided by sector and weather.

Ring-tailed lemurs:

They used open areas A and B the most when it was sunny.

They used their house sector C and treed areas D and E the most when it was rainy.

They used the red ruffed house sector H the most when it was cloudy.


Red ruffed lemurs:

They used their house sector H the least and the ring-tailed area sectors C and B the most when it was rainy.

The used enriched sector J the least when it was cloudy.


** p < 0.01 (χ2 test)

Temperature effect on lemurs’ use of sectors

Lemurs’ use of outdoor space subdivided by sector and temperature.

Ring-tailed lemurs:

They used open area B and treed areas D and E the most when it was cold.

They used their house sector C the most and the enriched sectors I and J the least when it was too warm.

They used open area A and the red ruffed house sector H the most when it was mild.


Red ruffed lemurs:

They used treed area D and the ring-tailed area sectors C and B the most when it was cold.

They used their house sector H and enriched sector J the most when it was warmer.


* p < 0.05 (χ2 test)

Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 05/28/21