Dietary treatment
Used wild caught three-spined sticklebacks (N=72). Only juveniles were used, to control for aggression. Sticklebacks were seperated in 2 groups and assigned to 10 weeks long feeding regime - ether normal feeding (100% satiation rations) or restricted (50% satiation rations).
Behavioural assays
Before and after experimental feeding regime, fish underwent behavioural assays. Tests included novel arena test, mirror test, and aerial, horizontal and vertical simulated predator test. Tests were designed to capture individual variation in the 5 common gradients with 13 measures: activity, exploration, boldness, sociability and aggression.
Monoamine analyses
After second set of behavioural assays, fish were euthanised and counted Schistocephalus solidus infections. Infection status was not included in any further analyses because only 3 individuals were infected. Sex was determined by DNA extracted from fin clips. Brain monoamine analyses.were performed with HPLC-EC. Quantified serotonin and dopamine, their metabolites and turnover rates. Real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) was used to assess gene expression for:

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