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Morphological measures

Mean body mass decreased in both normal (N=34) and restricted (N=20) dietary treatment.

Fish in the restricted diet treatment were significantly lighter after the experiment when compared to fish on normal diet, showing that experimental feeding regime worked.


Within-behaviour correlations indicated weak to moderate individual behavioural consistency (personality) between four of the 13 behavioural measures.

Only behaviour affected by treatment was aggression. 

Monoamines and genes

Serotonin was higher in fish with reduced diet. Serotonin turnover rates were higher in female fish and lighter fish had higher serotonin and dopamine turnover rates.

Gene expression for dopamine transporter DAT and dopamine receptor drd2b was higher in restricted diet fish. Females had higher gene expression levels for dopamine synthesizing enzyme TH, receptor drd4a and serotonin synthesizing enzyme TPH2, transporter slc6a4a. Heavier fish had higher gene expression levels for dopamine synthesizing enzyme TH and receptor drd4a. Gene expression levels were reported as ΔCT - where higher numbers show lower expression.

Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 05/31/21