Materials and Methods
TLC and HPTLC methods were applied with different cell lipids (RIN-5AH, α TC19, RBL, AR42J and IC2 hybridoma cells). Silica gel coated both AL2OH and Glass plates were used as a stationary phase. Different mobile phases, Chloroform: Methanol: Water (5:4:1, 3:4:1, 8:4:1 6:8:1, 1:5:1, 5:1:1, 2:5:1, 1:10:2) and 2-Methyl Propanol: Ethanol: H2O: 28% NH4OH (100:67:67:2.3) were tried to get better lipid separation band. Bands were detected using various chemical staining process (Primulin, Orcinol, Thymol, Carbazole, Cu-acetate and Fluorescence) as well as immuno blotting process.
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