Gradual visual startle
In the Gradual Visual startle the dog, puppy raiser, test assistant and test leader were standing with their backs towards a wall. This was done so that the dog cannot escape in that direction. In front of them a sled shaped like the upper half of a man approached when the test leader pulled in a string. Gradually the sled came closer to the dog. When the sled was at its closest point the dog was unleashed. If the dog did not interact with the stimulus itself, the puppy raiser and test assistant walked halfway towards the stimulus. If the dog still did not interact with the stimulus the puppy raiser and test assistant sat down on each side of the stimulus and called for the dog. When it had interacted with the stimulus the puppy raiser put a leash on the dog and passed by the stimulus several times. When the test leader decides that the dog did not consider the stimulus any more the subtest was ended.
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