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A total of 2251 individual carabid from 51 species were collected during the four sampling occasions. The ten most common species represented 85.2% of the total individuals collected (Appendix 2). Composition of the ten most common species varied in each sampling time (Appendix 3), with Poecilus versicolor dominating in the first and second sampling while Pterostichus melanarius and Pterostichus niger where the most abundant in the last two times. The three most diverse genera were Amara (twelve species), Pterostichus (eight species) and Bembidion (five species). Eleven species occurred as singletons, and generally, the genera we studied where found to have few species.


Carabids association with time, grass height and canopy cover

Table 1: Generalized linear mixed model results for association of species number with factors (time, grass height and canopy cover). Times are as follows; A = 21st May 2017, B = 18th June 2017, C = 13th July 2017, D = 9th August 2017. Time A is used as the reference for time variable with sites added as a random factor. Based on Cox-Snell’s pseudo (R2), the three variables explain 28% of the variability in species count.

With reference to table 1, for easier interpretation, we used exponentiated coefficients (Exp Coef.). So, we say the expected count of species increased by 1.5% for each one-unit increase in grass height holding other variables constant, while expected number of species decreased by 0.6% for each one-unit increase in canopy cover percentage, holding other variables constant. Number of species was lower at every successive time. Model assessment through residuals plot indicated that the model was a good fit for the data.

Table 2: Association of number of individuals with factors (time, grass height and canopy cover; generalized linear mixed model). Times are as follows; A = 21st May 2017, B = 18th June 2017, C = 13th July 2017, D = 9th August 2017. Time A is used as the reference for time variable with sites added as a random factor. Based on Cox-Snell’s pseudo (R2), the three variables explain 41% of the variability in number of beetles.

With reference to table 2, the expected count of species increased by 1.2% for each one-unit increase in grass height holding other variables constant, while expected number of species decreased by 1.1% for each one-unit increase in canopy cover percentage, holding other variables constant. Abundance was lower at every successive time. Model assessment through residuals plot indicated that the model was a good fit for the data.

Beetle diversity

Figure 3: Comparison of carabid abundance, Shannon’s diversity and Pielou’s evenness index of the 18 sampled sites in Tinnerö semi-natural grasslands. Lightly grazed sites (blue arrows), intensely grazed sites (yellow arrows). Red line used as threshold for comparison to Magurran’s (2004) assertion of H’ common range of 1.5 and 3.5.

Fig. 3 shows that, generally, H’ and J’ were found to be considerably higher in lightly grazed sites (blue arrows), than in more intensely grazed sites (yellow arrows). No clear pattern was indicated by canopy cover in this analysis, but overall, sites with both low grazing and low canopy cover were most diverse. Most sites in which low grazing intensity took place had a Shannon’s diversity above 1.5, within a common range of 1.5 and 3.5, as determined by past studies, e.g. Magurran (2004).

Site species variation

Correspondence Analysis (CA) showing differentiation in species occurrence and sites, over a gradient of canopy cover and sward height. Time is added as a categorical factor. Species are in red text/circles/dots and sites in blue text/dots. Note: Components are only shown on different plots to avoid clustering, and species names are shortened: Combined 1st four letters of the generic and species name.

Figure 4. The species assemblage was significantly associated with time, canopy cover and grass height, explaining 52% of the total variation in species composition. When environmental variables are added, plot A shows the amount of effect each variable had on the different species. E.g. Amara equestris was more sensitive to changes in canopy cover and grass height than any other species.

Since environmental factors mainly point along CA2, and not CA1, the dominating gradient of variation in species composition is hard to interpret. However, sites was also a major factor that structured species occurrence. We can see in fig. 4A, the association between species and sites, for example, Calathus melanocephalus preferred or was most probably found in Oxhagen. Regardless, time explained the most variability (35.91%) in species occurrence, while not much difference was found between Canopy cover and Grass height.

Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 06/04/18