Novel arena
Novel arena testing was conducted on day 2 and week 6, 28 control and 28 hatchery birds were tested at day 2 and 24 control and 24 hatchery birds were tested at week 6. All birds were selected at random from their home pen at the time of testing. The arenas were assembled 2x2 and all 4 arenas were used simultaneously. Four chickens were placed in each arena, within a start box with a sliding door closed. As well as a start box, each arena also contained food, water, hay and a novel object. At the beginning of the test all chickens were placed in the dark start box and were marked with either a head dot, back dot, tail dot or no dot. Cameras were suspended above the arenas to record the test. Once the cameras were set to record, the sliding doors to the start boxes were opened. The test began when the boxes were opened. The experimenters then left the test room and closed to door to avoid their influence on the tests. After a period of 30 minutes the test finished and the experimenters re-entered the test room, stopped the recordings and reset the arenas for the next group of chickens. All tests were conducted on the same day and each arena contained chickens from the same pen. All recordings were reviewed by one experimenter at a later date using Observer 13 software.
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Director of undergraduate studies Biology
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