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Data collection

Data collections occurred between 6th of December 2012 to 8th of January 2013, when reindeer herders had gathered reindeer into corrals, were they were loaded onto trucks and transported either for commercial slaughter or moved to new pastures. During nine loading occasions and six unloading occasions, 840 reindeer were observed. Out of these, five loadings and four unloading occasions were for slaughter and four loadings and two unloading occasion were for live-animal transport

Loading/unloading facilities and lorry design

Two loading facilities and two unloading facilities were used and evaluated.

Two different trucks were used for transporting the reindeer. One was used for transporting animals to slaughter and the other was used for live-animal transport.

Preceding handling, loading and unloading procedures

Pre-loading handlings were documented for each loading occation. The observations were conducted during the reindeer handling procedure "selection".

Behavioral observations

During loading and unloading the reindeer and the handlers were observed with behavior sampling with continuous recording.

Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 05/23/13