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Temporal fire history & abundance of Microsania spp. in the landscape

Analysis of the odds of finding a Microsania spp. among other Diptera in a smoke attraction trap decreases with area of burned forest in radii ranging from 2000 m to 10000 m, between 2008 and 2011. However, odds of finding a Microsania spp. in a smoke trap increases with the area of burned forest, in radii ranging from 2000 m to 4000 m, between 2004-2007 and 2000-2003.

When analyzing the coordinates with the number of Microsania spp. individuals found with Generalized linear models it showed that the latitude explained most of the spatial distribution (X - symbol). When controlling for the trend in the spatial scale, the effect of the amount and frequency of forest fires between year 2007-2010, was negative for Microsania spp.

T-value, from GLZs of odds of finding Microsania spp. among other Diptera against area of burned forest for each radii from the smoke trap. The lines describes the t-value for the three different time scales of fire history, yellow line 2007-2010, red line 2003-2006 and blue line 1999-2002.The X-symbols represent latitude and -symbols represent longitude.

Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 04/29/14