Colepotera with unknown fire-dependency
Out of 101 Coleoptera species that had an abundance of two or more:
11 beetles were classified as pyrophilic
14 beetles were classified as non fire-dependent
76 beetles had unknown fire-dependency.
This is the same PCA of the 11 pyrophilc beetles but with the 14 beetles with non fire-depencency and the 76 beetles with unknown fire-dependency added as supplementary variables. Many of these beetles have no or negatve association with recent forest fires. But 14 out of 76 beetles with unknown fire-dependency were assosiated with recent forest fires! The general ecology for many species with unknown fire-dependency is not well known. Some of these beetles might be favoured by different substrates that are created by fires. More species than we knew of might have a preference or need for forest fires.

PCA biplot on the abundance of 101 beetles in the different sites. The black lines represent species abundance descriptors for the beetles with unknow-firedepenency. The orange lines represent supplementary variables; the area of burned forest between 2007 and 2010, within each 41 radii, ranging from 100 m to 20000 m, for each smoke attraction trap. The red circles shows the beetles with an association with recent forest fires and the blue circles shows the beetles with no or negative association with recent forest fires.
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Director of undergraduate studies Biology
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