Restraint tests
Restraint tests conducted at 7 days old

The results of the restraint test conducted at day 7 shows that, logically, there is a significant difference in the least-square mean CORT levels between baseline and reaction to 3 minutes restraint (χ2=37.6506, p<0.001). There was also a significant difference between treatments, (χ2=6.1321, p=0.01), hatchery chickens had significantly higher CORT levels than the control chickens. When looking at the interaction between treatment and sample, there was a significant result (χ2=6.7169, p=0.01), meaning that both treatment and sample explains variation within the data. Conducting a post hoc analysis showed that there was no significant difference for baseline CORT levels between control and hatchery chickens (t=0.575, p=0.9). However there was a significant difference between control and hatchery reactions samples, which relates to CORT response to a 3 minute restraint (t=3.184, p=0.01).
Restraint tests conducted at 6 weeks old

The results of the restraint test conducted at 6 weeks of age shows that hatchery chickens have a significantly higher least-square mean circulatory CORT than the control chickens (χ2=3.7165, p=0.05). When conducting a post-hoc analysis it showed that there was a significant difference between control and hatchery CORT values for sample 2, hatchery individuals had a significantly higher CORT level after 3 minutes of restraint than the control chickens (t=2.796, p=0.04). There was no significant difference between control and hatchery chickens for baseline CORT samples (t=0.093, p=0.9).
Predictably there was a higher level of CORT in the second sample, response to 3 minute restraint, than the baseline sample (χ2=23.4029, p<0.001). There was also a significant interaction between treatment and sample (χ2=4.1630, p=0.04), meaning that both treatment and sample account for variation within the data.
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