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Hello there!

Welcome to my webpage!



My name is Susana and I come from a tiny village in Catalonia (Spain).


In 2012, I moved to Cork (Ireland) to obtain my First Honours Bachelor's degree in Zoology in University College Cork (UCC). 


As you have probably guessed, my Master's studies in Applied Ethology and Animal Biology brought me to Linköping University (LiU) in Linköping (Sweden), in 2018.


And now, depending on when you are reading this text, I may still be in Sweden or maybe in some other country, learning about animals, behaviour or science in general!




This is my little corner of the Internet dedicated to my Master's thesis:



BIGGER IS NOT ALWAYS BETTER: task-dependent effects of altered group size in red junglefowl




By clicking each of the items on the menu to the left, you will know more about each part of my project, which explores the relationship between social group size and cognition in red junglefowl (Gallus gallus). 


And if you want to know more, I have linked my full thesis in the Downloads section. 



Susana Garcia Dominguez

Master's in Applied Ethology and Animal Biology (2018-2020)

Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 05/16/20